In June 2022 when we launched The Taggart Institute, we knew that the mission was a daunting one: produce high-quality tech and cybersecurity instruction that people around the world could afford. Our formula was simple: make the basic courses free, and charge a reasonable price for advanced content. We hoped the quality of the free courses would motivate purchases of advanced material for those who could afford it.
It's rather tricky to know who your audience will be, and what "affordable" will mean to them. You make your best guess based on market research, and see what happens.
Since the launch of our first course, we have enrolled over 8000 learners. Countless positive feedback messages tell us we're doing something right, and we're so grateful for this response to the mission. However, it is clear now that our one paid course, Python For Defenders, Pt. 2, is not at a price point most learners feel comfortable with. Although $15 is still a very reasonable (by United States standards) price for an advanced programming course, we have to meet learners where they are. A course is only good to anybody if they can learn from it, and we want more than anything for people to learn valuable skills from The Taggart Institute.
So here's how this is going to work.
Moving forward, all courses on The Taggart Institute will be available for free. Finances should be no barrier to learning. This includes Python for Defenders, Pt. 2.
All courses will also have Pay What You Wish purchase options. If you are in a position to contribute financially to the mission of The Taggart Institute, we ask that you consider what these courses are worth to you. Intro courses will have $5 and $10 PWYW tiers, and advanced courses will have a $15 tier. We'll never ask for more.
For those of you who made the choice to purchase PFD2 at its original price, we're immensely grateful. We hope you don't feel this choice devalues your investment. Rather, you have laid the foundation that will allow The Taggart Institute to expand its offerings and reach even more motivated learners.
If you are already a student, thank you for coming along on this adventure. If you're not, consider joining our supportive, welcoming community of learners. We even have a brand new Vim course for you. Join us and find out just what you're capable of.
Taggart and Husky